July 12 at about 2pm, we had our scheduled weekly prenatal check-up. Dr Zozobrado, my Ob had me IE'd and told me I haven't dilated yet and that it's possible that I will be giving birth on the last week of July as opposed to the original schedule of July 22.
At about 7pm the same day, as we were preparing to go to the Anniversary Celebration dinner hosted by my bro and sis (Manny and Jeneth), I got a panty liner change and found out I had brown discharge which totally had us worried. It was even accompanied by abdominal pain more like menstrual cramps.
My fear abated when I called the doctor after urging from ate Jeneth. Everyone agreed that the time is indeed close. My OB told me to observe my discharge and contractions until their intervals are 5 mins or less - that's the time we will head to the hospital. Somehow, the intervals were far apart so apart so I just slept it off.
July 13 @ 2pm, we went back to my OB's clinic to ask what is happening to me. She declared I am 1cm dilated and told me to just prepare. According to her no one could really tell just how far or near the time is considering that not all pregnant women are the same. It may be today, tomorrow, some even dilates to 2cm then stops, to continue dilating two days after.
As I was timing my contractions in the evening, I noticed that it has become closer and closer. 5 minutes apart!
I must have known subconsciously that I am not yet ready for the actual delivery. My mind has already been set to July 22 and the reality that it will be this early has thrown me off guard. I was still in denial. My mom asked me from time to time to tell her if we need to go to the hospital already. I keep saying I want to observe more. Soon, I was convinced that I am indeed in labor. But just to be sure it was not false alarm, we went to the hospital without bringing our hospital things at around 7:30pm.
But I was mistaken! I am 3 cm dilated and my cervix has thinned. I am definitely IN LABOR and has to be admitted.
The next 11 hours has been the most excruciating experience known to me thus far. The pain went from being bearable to unbearable.
I have been IE'd two times more just to find out that I am still at 4cm and 6cm.
Active labor is the most unearable. At 4-5cm, I can still stand and walk around.. even laughed around with people. Come 6cm, I was down on my knees, clutching the pillows, banging my hands on the bed, almost to tears... that kind of pain! All the while my mom and Ate Bebie (a midwife) has been there to help me ease the pain. Because of my very long labor, my mom convinced me to have me induced because she is afraid that I would lose all my strength when the time comes that I need to push.
We waited for Dr Zozobrado to arrive so she could induce me. Around 7:20 she arrived and we went to the delivery room. I am 8cm dilated that time. All the while, I was chanting to myself "I can do this! I can do this!" and was asking myself "Can there be any pain more painful than this?"
At 8cm, I was injected with Oxytocin. If there is any word more intense than unbearable, then it should be apt to describe how I was feeling. Somehow, I was able to endure it all until my water broke in a gush that almost got my Ob wet.
A few minutes later, they instructed me to push long and hard because the baby's head is coming. With two pushes, baby dhabi was out...
Date of Birth: July 14, 2011 at 7:59AM
Weight: 2.7 kg
Then I heard her cry and felt her for the first time outside my tummy. My baby was tidied up while I endured another kind of pain during stitching and uterus cleaning.
Few minutes late, I was wheeled outside and brought to our room. Then there she goes and was laid beside me.
As my daughter lay there beside me sleeping, my heart swelled with love and pride. I carried this cute little being inside me for 9 months and now she's finally here. She's a miracle. An angel. Our daughter.
While I was writing this note today - that is 6 days after Louise Jaide Magallanes Bendanillo was born, I keep looking at her, sleeping side by side with her dad... the two people I love the most... I just can't stop myself from crying... This must be what they call "heaven on earth". The pain? It was all worth it!
Thank you to those who supported and prayed for us. I know a lot of people has been down on their knees praying for us. Thank you, thank you so much!
To my OB...
To Ate Bebie...
To my friends...
To the nurses and staff at the hospital...
To my two families...
To my husband...
To my mom for never leaving my side...
To God! We bring back all the Glory and Honor to you...