You could have been 62 today Ma…
Should I say happy birthday? I wonder if you are celebrating
your birthday today there in heaven… But I guess not, I believe you have a
different birthday there. Still I am
thankful for this day. For this day symbolizes the fact that you really were
and even still are part of our lives. You were there in my 30 years. It
saddens me that I have to spend the rest of my life without you in it.
I miss you Ma…
I miss calling you out loudly “Ma!” to get your attention
I miss our laughter
I miss joking with you
I miss shopping with you
I miss going to church with you
I miss going to the market with you
I miss going anywhere with you… just like before that no
matter how old I was, I’d still want to go with you wherever you go.
I miss the times you cried with me because I was crying
while talking with you on the phone
I miss the times when you comfort me even without knowing
what really the reason behind my tears was
That you were there, no questions asked, during the times I
cannot really tell you why, and respected my decision
I miss just talking about nonsense things.
I miss you so much Ma….