Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Two Tests, One Result

I had no idea that two lines crossing could mean so much happiness to us.

November 20, 2010 - I was a full week delayed on my menses. I had been anxious this past 7 days. I wanted to rest right then on the first day of my delayed period. But part of me was really afraid to be disappointed again. Repetitive instances like these could do that to you. Disappointment - it's hard to deal after all.

So, we waited a full seven days. This time, if I believed that if I would be pregnant, the test would find it very hard to miss.

So when I woke up on the 20th, I gathered up my nerves and went to the bathroom to test.

When I peed, the tip of the stick became pink which signals that enough urine has been collected. The urine seeped through the stick and the cross symbol was already visible even if the indicator that the test result is ready to read has not shown yet.

I still can't beleive it so I waited for the test to be ready - about 1 min.... So when finally, the test is indeed ready. It was confirmed! I am pregnant! I immediately ran to our room and told my husband the great news. And my was he happy!!!

Finally, God has said yes to our prayers on His perfect time. Thank you Dear God. We praise you and we glorify you. Thank you for this early Christmas gift you have given to us.
Thus, begins my journey to motherhood.

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