Tuesday, June 14, 2011

I'll be 9 months at the end of the month

Being pregnant does a lot of things to you... blame it on the hormones!

At the end of June, I will be officially 9 months along the way. My OB in Sharjah once told me that as early as 1st week of July, it is possible for me to give birth already... that's how near the time is.

So far, what I feel right now is really excitement. Somehow, the fact that it will be very painful to give birth does not make me afraid. Could it be that it hasn't really sinked in? So far, I am confident I can make it and all I can ever think of is when the time I will be able to hold my baby in my hands finally.

Even the baby gears are complete (except for those we think are not necessary for the time being considering a lot of factors). I had even finished packing my and my baby's hospital bag. My husband's things are not yet packed however because he doesn't have things here. We will get to that as soon as he arrives here 4 days before my due.

What if I give birth before my husband arrives? Que sera sera whatever will be will be. I don't wish to give birth  before he arrives because I know he is as excited as I am in seeing our baby. I don't want to deprive him of the joy in experiencing all there is to experience in having a baby. But what if the baby does arrive before my estimated date? Well, it would be okay I guess. That is something out of our control really. What is good about it somehow, is that when daddy arrives, baby will be here waiting for him!

I'm am sooooo excited!

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