Wednesday, January 18, 2012

A Christmas as Cheery and Beautiful as Dhabi!

Pretty Dhabi celebrated her Christmas with papalolo, mamalola, tito Lot2, tita JG, tito Jig2 and ate Lang2...
Daddy and I wanted to spend this season with our little angel but unfortunately, we were not able to...
Here's a glimpse of our daughters first ever Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

Before Christmas

With Ninang Rosie

With Titto Jig2

Cute Tweety
With ate Lang2 and Tito Jig - NO OTHER WOMAN


beautiful Louise Jaide in a dress from daddy and mommy all the way from Abu Dhabi

This Christmas, our little girl received so many gifts from her Ninangs/Ninongs! Thank You...
Ninag Den2, Ninang Janice, Ninong Ken, Ninang Rosie, Ninong Cyrus, Ninong Mateo, Ninang Michelle! Mwah!

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