Saturday, April 17, 2010

Just to be with you

You'd think by now I am used to this-it's almost 4 years that you are working abroad. But no... everyday when I wake up, the emptiness sits in again and again. You are the last thing on my mind when I go to sleep and you are the first when I wake up. Then I question myself... "Are we doing the right thing by being apart?" Back then, when we discussed that I will stay here in the Philippines, it somehow made sense... But now, I don't know anymore... " Why I am still here? What am I doing here?". I realized that time is indeed precious. When it's gone, you could never take it back. We never know know when God will call us to be by HIs side. It maybe today, tomorrow, the week after, 10 years, 20 years... only God knows... I don't want to wake up one day (or not wake up) with only regrets that we spent much of our days apart. There are only a few things that I most desire and one of these is just to be with you. To wake up with you, sleep with you, kiss you, hug you, love you and let you know how happy I am just by being with you.

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