Saturday, September 18, 2010

Our Simple Pleasures

My husband and I have our simple pleasures that the two of us enjoy without really having to spend much.

For one, we love to just eat inside our room and go Japanese dining by sitting at the floor with a very low table in front of us. Whatever our food is does not matter. We feel the intimacy just as well.

We also love to just watch movies in our laptop munching on some chips. May it be love story, chick flick, comedy, science fiction, war movies, action etc, we love to just cuddle and enjoy the presence of each other.

We love to write notes to each other. I usually put my notes in his lunchbox. When he eats lunch at the office, he is surprised to see the note. When he gets home, I would find the note still attached but with his reply.

We love to just roam around the mall holding hands.

We love to eat at a fastfood for hours and just enjoy being there talking about anything under the sun.

Since we are still new in our married life, we are still discovering other things that we both enjoy. So excited!

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