Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Evan Almighty - Nice Movie

 (A blogpost from friendster. Posted September 1st, 2007)

Few days ago we watched the movie Evan Almighty.It was surprisingly a very good movie. At first I was aprehensive about going out with my friends/officemates to watch Evan Almighty because the movie might end up to be Bruce Almighty 2… I wans’t thrilled by that movie I could not even remember the full story. All I can remember is that I didn’t like the plot.
Anyways, for the sake of life-work balance we,Jphil employees are striving to attain (observe work-life balance at all cost so say some), and to spend quality time with my friends (who happen to cheer me up esp when I was feeling so down at some point in my life)…I went with them and watched Evan Almighty.
As I said earlier, it is a very good movie. Unexpectedly funny and has a lesson to offer. I just love their dialogue on how to change the world, may I quote: "One act of random kindness".. which I believe is quite true.
The movie somehow reminds me that a prayer is so powerful. And that somehow God answers our prayer without us realizing it. According to the movie, when we pray for something, God does not give it to us at the snap of His fingers and not on the form we specifically prayed for.
The lines in the movie says "If we pray for courage, God does not give us courage. He give us the opportunity to be courageous. If someone prayed for the family to be closer. God does not make them closer. But He give them the opportunity to become closer."
Indeed, it is up to us on how we take the opportunity in order for our prayers to be granted.
It made me realize that I for one have asked a lot in my prayers. I asked for forgiveness of some things I do but somehow I managed to make the same mistakes again..and again.. and again…Now, I realize that this is one clear manifestation that God has heard me. Not once but as many times as I have prayed.
For some months, I have been praying for something… A very specific prayer. Somehow, I don’t consider it unanswered prayer but rather an answered prayer in the making. Maybe God knows that I am still not ready to be given the oppurtunity to be what and where I wanted to be. That He in His divine wisdom is giving me time to be ready to grab that opportunity I so wanted. And when the right time comes, Grab it I will!

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