Friday, August 13, 2010


Sometimes your life goes into a standstill. Example, no matter how hard you try to find work, you still cannot. 1) Because the first time, someone called you up regarding employment with their company, you did not understand each other. 2) Because it’s Ramadhan already and nobody is hiring during Ramadhan. Another example, you wanted to get pregnant but you are not sure whether you are or not. 1) You are 11 days delayed and yet your 2 tests says negative. 2) Because although you are experiencing some signs of pregnancy, they are also signs of incoming period. And another one, you wanted to lose weight but could not. 1) Because you are afraid that you are pregnant, dieting may result in malnourishment and is bad for the baby. 2) That if you exercise, it may be bad for the baby since this would be your first time, you are still not aware as to the extent of your ability to do some exercise without harming your baby. Ahhhh, this is just so frustrating… My life is in a STANDSTILL… and all I can do is to wait… I know there are a lot to be thank for… but now I just want to let it all out….

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