Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Feeling Down Lately?

 (Blog posted on June 14th, 2007)

I’ve been feeling down lately… I guess because many things are happening which are beyond my hands to control. I can be a control freak at times…
I’m feeling down because first and foremost, my bf is no longer here in the Philippines and that the texts, the calls and the chats are somehow still not enough.
I’m feeilng down because I want to do something but I can’t do it because it’s not my decision to make.
I’m feeling down because I want to start working on something for so long. Somehow, despite the long wait it still have not arrived.
I’m feeling down today because I feel so down.
I’m feeling down today because I was expecting someone to contact me but still wasn’t able to. The reason of which I do not know. Still, I’m feeling a bit down that maybe they wouldn’t contact me after all.
I’m feeling becuse I miss my family at home.
I’m feeling down because I feel so alone.
Lastly, I’m feeling just because… I just feel down.

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