Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Of being an Insomniac

(My blog from friendster. Posted last September 19th, 2007)

I went home early from the office today because I was not feeling well. After being grilled in our Technical Panel Review which lasted for 3 hours, which by the way, usually lasts for an hour only, I wanted to take a rest from work. But the main culprit wasn’t that really… lets just say something is bothering me too much… something that only someone from the womenland can understand.
Anyway, I went home exactly 7pm and I was expecting I could just dump my things and go straight to bed when I arrrive home. But, much to my dismay, I couldn’t get my mind off things. A lot of things really.. And I just could’t sleep… Oh well, so I turned my PC on, surfed the net and hope that I could just get sleepy and all. 3 hours had passed but I still couldn’t sleep.
The culprit… Insomnia. According to some of my readings, Insomia is a sleeping disorder brought about by stress. There are more causes of insomnia aside from stress. For more info just follow this link… http://www.americaninsomniaassociation.org/causes.htm#lifestyle ..I am not in the mood to expound on it any longer.
Stress? Yes, I believe I am. Who wouldn’t at the pace the world is turning today?
And before I get more stressed than I am at present, I am going to tuck myself to bed and just hope Mr Sleep and I would soon meet. Nighty night everybody.

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