Friday, August 13, 2010

My little one

My little one,

Are you really there? I’m sorry if sometimes Mommy loses her faith. You see we had two tests already that came out negative. Mommy was quite sad and disappointed the second time. Mommy has seen the same result for six times already and she’s wondering when she’d ever see a different result – something that would make her and Daddy very happy. We’re quite excited to see you, you know. We even have a name if you are a boy or a girl. Daddy prefers you to be a boy but that doesn’t mean he would love you less if you are a girl. Same goes with Mommy. We will love you wholly little one. But right now Daddy and Mommy are keeping their fingers crossed that a few days from now when we will conduct the test again, we could see that two lines we so wanted to see. Mommy is 13 days delayed now. May I ask a favor from you then little one? Would you help make Daddy and Mommy the happiest people in earth? Will you make your presence know to us very soon little one? We love you darling. This is me… Your very excited Mommy

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